

Yes people~ its only 2 days to ~! As exciting as it sounds, i'm tremendously fatigued with leftover work and also preparations for the travels (-.-)"

Anyway, tomorrow i will be going over to Hikaru's place and we'll cross examine our stuffs to make sure we are very well prepared~ BTW, my room is in chaos right now~ (^.^)"

Yesterday, after work i was walking along with my colleague to our car park and as annoying as it is, it was misty and raining. While we carefully looked down on the road to avoid puddles while trying our best to stay under one umbrella, i just had the notion to look up. Over the hills, behind Ipoh Parade, in between the trees and Syuen, i saw a very bright and big ass RAINBOW~~

I tried to use my crappy phone to take a photo of it, but it was too grainy so i wont bother posting a vacant picture. Nevertheless, i was happy, very happy. I'm obsessed with RAINBOWS and are definitely reminded of it as God's promise. In my case, it was before i embarked on this journey of planning and saving for this trip, i did asked Him to look after me and bless this trip. And yesterday, as if He wanted to tell me, He promised and it is happening. We had a bumpy ride, saving money during this economy meltdown was tough.

But, what a ride. It's definitely worth it.

2 days to ~!!



It's finally down to one numerical alphabet but it's taking forever~! The last 9 days to 日本~! The past week had been excruciatingly long and busy and annoying.

It's funny how fast days and hours go by for the past year and now that we're getting so near the departure date that we feel it's so near yet so far~ i guess its what you call ANTICIPATION with no patience at all~

Anyhow, it's just another 9 days to 日本 and we're already packed and sitting on top of our luggage waiting for time to past~! (^^)



severe hallucinations (my colleagues start pole dancing), heavy eyelids (can't see a single thing on my screen), and mouth-wide-open (yawning every 3 seconds)...

... the verdict?

Yes, i'm sleepy... very sleepy ... ね、眠い……(-_-;)

but heck it is FRIDAY...~

.... and another 10 days to 日本 !

mousey gone amnesiac..?


Hello~ its already 17 days to Japan~

Well, the fact that I'm posting and surfing around the web now via JUST a keyboard is so remarkable, i had to post this. Just to remind myself that even though the mouse had gone a little amnesiac or contracted Alzheimer's, i still can do it. Well, for sure I'll have a little mistakes here and there, its still inconvenient after so many years of getting entranced by the wonderful magical world of the mouse.

It seems that after checking my control panel, it doesn't show any description for hardware. So I'm guessing that the driver got wiped out. In a sudden, i was twirling it around when i wanted to sign in for my MSN. Bad bad mouse~

Anyhow~ despite this hiccup, I'm still smiling to myself at the fact that~~ "I'm leaving on a jet plane, don't know if my heart will be back again~" Yeah, i altered it a little. Hehe~~ (^^)

it is there...~


didn't you see it...? it is there! faint and barely noticeable but IT is there. It brightened up my journey back home today. I learned that grinning to myself with no one else in the car earns some serious glaring from the other drivers which overtook me. But hey people, take some time off and look up the sky! It is there greeting us with a warm smile (≧∀≦)RAINBOW

By the way, 18 days to 日本 ~
* just in case you are wondering, i kept my eyes on the road and arrived home safely (^0^)/

19 days~


ever felt that time is bewitched to move excruciatingly slow when you are looking forward to something and exceptionally fast when you are having the time of your life? sounds pretty familiar, eh?

(^O^)/welcome to my 日本 rambling...~

another 19 days to 日本~

did i mention that already?



いいよいいよ~! Its counting down to 22 days to 日本~!

I'm packing little by little, just in case I'll forget something. But the doubt in my mind started to tell me, "No, no no~! Don't put this in first, you will still need it before you fly~!" (-.-)" It's troublesome, isn't it?

Meanwhile, Kazuki is getting very excited about getting smuggled in~!

ひかちゃん森山 さま、 もう 直ぐ よね~!

amicable coldness...~


Yes. Its snowing in tokyo... You know what it means? Pretty snowflakes... hot chocolate... warm haramaki... Aye! Correct..

But that's all in your head because it means you'll get to see ... a walking-talking-living Popsicle version of ME! Aye! Correct... FYI, I'm a rather cold-intolerant being. How bad you may ask? Try imagine me wearing long-sleeve and shivering when it is 25°... imagine me shivering and chattering when it is 16°... imagine me in tokyo when it is below 10°... Don't I look Popsicle-licious? ( 'Д `)

And so counting down
24 days to Popsicle-lization in 日本 o (≧ ∀ ≦) o



Cash jammed, annoying customers and even more annoying air conditioner, all in a day's work. Oh, and my dog really loves to prove that he is really a chicken served on a platter~ Aww.. you silly dog, i love you all the same, be it a nice, roasted, full of flavour chicky (slurp) or just a delinquent puppy~

On a another note to Hikaru~ がんばります~! Even though it has become more troublesome, hopefully things will take a better turn~! No matter what decisions that will be made (be it yours or the stupidrears..ooppss.. superior's) , i will stand by your side~ q(^^)p

Let's not forget the joys of stepping on the land of 日本 25 days later~ Be awed at the sight of my enthusiasm~!



"Today is one of those days when you should show confidence. Put yourself in a winning mode."


I was pondering so hard what really went un-winningly wrong today. The truth? I did not follow the sacred advice of my horoscope! Now that's a THEORY on why my discussion with my superior went downhill. I know she's trying her best .. umm.. well.. to explain how are the circumstances but I find her suggestion rather impossible. Anyway, as it turns out I left my 'confidence' at home (as per my horror-scope) so I might as well take it as it comes. Lesson for today is never leave your house without consulting your daily dose of horoscope! Thus, it'll not contradict your actions later that day...

26 days to 日本~

Did I mention that already? ♪ Just in case you can't guess which season, here's a lil' sneak preview o(≧∀≦)o

red alert..!


Let's start with the good news - it is MARCH which means another 27 days to 日本 ... yayy~ finally

But then again, life won't be satisfied with all the good news, eh? Now let us start with the not-so-good news. Once a month meeting at work, brought me a news as excellent as a toothache which prompted me to call for a red alert. I need to formulate a speech or rather a FACT to my superior that I'm NOT going to give in to whatever-company-restructuring-non-of-my-business-and-yet-wants-me-to-
Yes, its another state as i would like to refer so that you are able to picture the ENORMOUS gap to work from my house. Hey, i can use that as an excellent point in my speech tomorrow! It'll work out right? Right? Right? ALRIGHT! I admit I'm a tad bit of nervous, depressed, sad and unhappy. Nothing really serious... ha ha ha... (^-^;)

But then then again, it is MARCH and another 27 days to 日本.... (^0^)/
Did i mention that already?


Talk about the fate of the twins. Its been an annoying day. The machines were full and jammed with cash and people were just irritating today. Tell them you can't stay in the other state without me, it'll turn into allergy~!

And yes~ you mentioned it already~ YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY

Our Very First Post~!


Says who that the 1st step is the hardest? it only requires a full day of staring contest with your faithful monitor - head cracking with your pillow - awful monologues within your brain... not that i can have a nice USB port miraculously appear somewhere at the back of my head (yes i would like it subtly hidden) to transfer these monologues for everyone's reading pleasure. But the fact is traumatizing people with it is never my intention, so i'm saving everyone's sanity and spared the details (halo-rized)

And so, let us officially announce the birth of

僕らの Love Style~!

yayyy... i managed to blog the 1st post...~

みんなさぁぁぁん よろしく おねがいしま (≧▽≦)/


Aww~~~ our very first blog together, finally launched off~! i'm a little late (><)~! Anyhow, better late than never. World, hear my rant and be awed at the sight of my love style~!
じゃ オレ も、 よろしくおねがいします。 m(-_-)m