YO~! It's time to start our story from Day 1~ Sorry, even though we intended to keep all of you informed while we were in Japan, we just didn't had the time or the connection to update you people with.
So we started our journey to Japan on the 29th March 2009, night flight. We had Tamaki, Hikaru's bro, sis in law and sis saw us off.
We admit, it was our first time sitting on a plane and when the plane took off, lifting its wheels off from the ground, piercing through the darkness, we held hands and gripped on the handle. It was scary, exciting, exhilarating and a little sad. Well, of course the sad would be the thought of leaving Kazuki alone for two whole weeks. I was thinking whether he would sleep well, but i know he was in the good hands of my family. All through the flight, we tried to take my mind off things, tried to relax, flicked the in flight entertainment, watched some movie, listened to Frank Sinatra and played games. We tried to sleep butthen, it was uneasy and uncomfortable. The uneasiness becomes unsettling and the unsettling is because for me, personally, i wanted to shout, "YAY!".
We were awaken by the hustle and bustle at around 4am. The air stewardess was distributing breakfast. 4AM. it was supposed to be started by a happy grin on my face. I had low blood pressure. Hmmph. Anyhow, i chewed and grumbled. We reached the Kansai Airport at around 7Am. We were jumping in our skins as we made our way through the alley and the first thing that hit us was a wave of chilly air. At that instant, we did regret about the weather. Hahaha~!
We made our way to the tour bus after refreshing ourselves up. Its kinda the first time for me to brush teeth in a public restroom. Anyhow, first stop. Universal studios~!
kazuki??? that was all??? what about me????ME!! ME!! ME!!!!!
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